No time to waste.

Cheers to our first Love Your World Tuesday! And we surely have no time to waste.

No time to waste our garbage that is! Us humans go through huge amounts of trash daily. You see it littered on highways, landfills, we have trash cans at our homes, restaurants, stores, there is a place everywhere to hold our waste! This has to go somewhere….and that somewhere is the Earth  ( I know that is pretty obvious huh? ) but, take a look around, we are throwing away so much and it takes a long amount of time for most of our waste to decompose and be completely gone. It rots right here in our very own living quarters.

Why not recycle?


I feel like this word sort of how do I say this, DIED.  I use to not even think twice about what I was throwing away into that one gallon, plastic, kitchen bag and toss it in the garbage bin so the garbage man could take it away, away from my home for me to never have to think about or see again. WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. Everything I was throwing away could take over one hundred years to decompose. Yes one hundred plus! That is horrible for the environment, having this mass produced waste just piling and piling up into your beautiful, one of a kind, stinkified, landfill. It started to sink in one day after a trip to the library. There was a little diagram illustrating how long it actually takes for things to decompose. Some took a few years, others took hundreds! I started to look more closely at what I was throwing away. Can you imagine more then half the stuff I was tossing out should actually go in the recycle bin?

Just take a moment and think about what you have thrown away, I bet you at least five of those things can go towards recycling….was I right? I say we all give the world a little bit more love and be a lot more mindful of what waste we are contributing. Because what it comes down to is we have no time to waste! We do not have hundreds of years to keep our earth clean and beautiful, we only have today to make a difference.

Whip out that pretty blue bin and get to moving, Im right there with ya!     recycle 1


Decomposition Time:

Glass bottle – One million years

Plastic soda, water, tea bottle – Around 400 years

Aluminum can – Around 400 years

Plastic bag – More then 10 years

Tin can – Around 50 years

Compared to your fruits and veggies which can take maybe 3 months to decompose. That is a big difference. All of the above items can be recycled.


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